Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRiM)
INRiM coordinates the project, leads the dissemination/management WP4 and WP3 and participates in the other two technical WPs. INRiM maintains the Italian primary standard of the unit Tesla, guaranteeing direct traceability of measurements of the magnetic flux. The group “Magnetism, Materials and Spintronics” at INRiM is active in magnetic spintronics, as shown by several publications in high-impact factor journals and has coordinated two international round robin comparisons on spintronic properties in EXL04 SpinCal and 17FUN08 TOPS.
Furthermore INRiM provides expertise in characterization of magnetic materials, thin films and nanostructures from DC to high frequency. Within the TOPS project INRiM developed an improved setup for MOKE measurements, exploiting it for the measurement of the DMI. INRiM recently started an active program on the evaluation of robustness and trustworthiness of machine learning methods, using a metrological approach in the framework of the National PhD in Artificial Intelligence.
Università di Perugia (UNIPG)
UNIPG leads WP1 and participates in the other technical WPs (WP2 and WP3) and in the dissemination and management, WP4.The group at UNIPG has a thirty-year long experience in Brillouin light scattering (BLS) with special focus on spin waves and magnetic materials as shown by the number and quality of its publications available on the following website (
The group at UNIPG also has a twenty-year long experience in preparing and studying magnetic ultrathin films, and multilayers, by e-beam evaporation in ultra-high-vacuum (UHV) conditions. In the last years the group has been very active in the fields of magnonics and spintronics with special focus on low dimensional magnetic structures and nanopatterned devices.
Politecnico di Bari (POLIBA)
POLIBA leads WP2 and participates in the other technical WPs, in particular WP3, and in the dissemination and management, WP4. The group at POLIBA has a long experience in micromagnetic simulations. Vito Puliafito recently moved to POLIBA after more than a decade with the University of Messina, where micromagnetic simulations of spintronic devices, including materials with DMI, have been performed with success predicting physical behaviors and explaining experimental results. Simulations are performed by means of a numerical code developed by University of Messina, POLIBA, and the University of Salamanca, Spain.
POLIBA has access to a state-of-the-art solver, PetaSpin, a CUDA-native [] numerical tool to simulate spin-transport effects, successfully tested, solving micromagnetic standard problems #4 and #5. Therefore POLIBA is ready to perform a large amount of micromagnetic simulations of magnetic materials subject to DMI.
Results will be used for realizing a consistent dataset to train the neural network which will be used to determine the DMI value by means of pattern images. Simulations will be performed also in presence of defects, which can be modeled in the micromagnetic framework as non-uniform distributions of several parameters with different random grain distributions computed by means of a Voronoi diagram-based algorithm, as already done in previous studies of the group. POLIBA has also experience in machine learning approaches. In particular, on one side the group has used AI to optimize energy consumption of spintronic devices. On the other side, it has integrated spintronic devices models with state-of-the AI softwares, coded in Python, such as Keras and TensorFlow.